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How to Spot and Lose Hormonal Belly Fat

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

Unexpected weight gain, especially around your waist, can be unsettling. It may even be a sign of something more serious, such as a hormone imbalance, in some situations. Luckily for you, this blog is the complete guide to knowing if your belly fat is a result of hormonal imbalance, and how to lose belly fat.

To reduce belly fat in females, diets, exercise, and stress reduction play a huge role. Knowing hormonal belly fat causes is also important for knowing how to lose belly fat, which is why we have listed the causes below! Hormonal belly fat due to PCOS and other medical issues is also fairly common and requires nutrition advice from nutrition experts and fitness coaches, many of whom can be consulted online as well. For hormonal belly fat workout and diet for reducing belly fat, you can consult a fitness coach online and join a program like the HomeFit and EatFit Program under Metabolix by contacting us at +91 932159167 to get your program under the guidance of Mumbai fitness trainer and Coach Juily Wagle today!

Hormones have a significant role in metabolism, hunger, satiety, and energy, all of which are controlled by intricately coordinated brain mechanisms. Even a minor change in our hormone levels as we age can cause stubborn abdominal fat to persist.

Getting rid of hormonal belly fat entails addressing the underlying reason as well as making other lifestyle changes.

The hormones that play a role in increasing belly fat are listed below-

1. Thyroid gland: The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, or how the body uses energy. Most physiological processes slow down when your thyroid doesn't create enough thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism), which contributes to weight gain, especially around the abdomen. Weight gain due to hypothyroidism may be caused by an accumulation of salt and water rather than a buildup of fat, according to the American Thyroid Association.

2. Cortisol: Cortisol is a stress hormone that is produced in reaction to a stressful environment. When you're upset, your body goes into flight-or-fight or survival mode, which is activated by the adrenal gland's release of cortisol. Cortisol overproduction might cause fat to accumulate around the abdomen.

3. Leptin: Leptin is a hormone that makes you feel full after a meal. Increased food intake and fat deposition in the abdomen can occur when leptin levels rise and lead to leptin resistance.

4. Estrogen: Low estrogen levels can lower libido and increase belly obesity.

5. Testosterone: Males with low testosterone levels have slower growth and more fat deposition in their bodies. Increased testosterone levels in women cause insulin resistance, which contributes to abdominal fat gain.

There are a number of hormonal problems that might cause belly obesity. This includes hypothyroidism, PCOS, and even menopause. Obesity, environmental causes, excessive stress, and even some drugs can cause hormonal imbalance.

The following are four signs that you have a hormonal belly:

1. Weight Gain Despite Healthy Lifestyle

It could be an indication you've developed a hormonal belly if you've had a pretty flat stomach for most of your life and then belly fat emerges suddenly. The body can become increasingly insulin-resistant as we age, causing it to retain fat rather than burn it. As we progress through menopause and beyond, women become increasingly estrogen-dominant which produces insulin resistance and leads to the accumulation of belly fat.

2. Increased Sugar Cravings

Insulin resistance can lead to diabetes and has a variety of side effects on other key hormones. Insulin resistance can lead to a rise in leptin levels. Leptin is the hormone that tells your body when it's time to eat, but high insulin levels cause leptin to rise as well. Elevated leptin levels over time can cause leptin receptor malfunction. These receptors stop sending messages to the brain telling you to stop eating. As a result, you perform the polar opposite of what leptin is supposed to do: you keep eating while never receiving the signal to stop.

3. Mood Swings

Estrogen levels change a lot as women approach and pass menopause, which can cause mood swings and stubborn weight gain around the waist. Natural fluctuations in estrogen levels occur throughout menopausal physiological changes, which can induce mood swings and weight gain. Do not blame yourself for gaining too much weight. If you're having trouble losing weight, don't put it down to a lack of willpower or self-discipline. Your hormones have most likely turned against you.

Instead, concentrate on things you have control over, such as your food and exercise regimen. Make a point of including plenty of veggies, lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats in your meals. These foods will not only keep you full and satisfy your hunger, but they will also provide you with the nutrients you need to avoid age-related insulin resistance and muscle loss.

4. Constant Stress

Cortisol is another significant factor in hormonal belly fat. Cortisol, often known as the stress hormone, rises when your body detects you're stressed or overloaded, which can lead to obstinate weight gain. This is due to the body's activation of the fight or flight response. High levels of stress and worry can trigger survival mode in the body, which raises cortisol levels and instructs the body to store extra fat.

5. Trouble Falling Asleep

Insomnia and weariness can be telltale symptoms that your weight increase is due to hormones. Sleep deprivation leads to exhaustion, which in turn leads to stress and insomnia. All of this will cause havoc with your hormones, particularly your cortisol levels. Low thyroid levels can be caused by high cortisol, which can contribute to central weight gain. Growth hormones, which are crucial for tissue formation, muscle growth, and overall health, can be reduced as well.

Here’s how you can effectively tackle hormonal belly:

1. Manage Stress

Since cortisol can play a role in increasing your belly fat, it is important to adopt practices like yoga, meditation, and exercise to help you in managing stress, which will help you lose weight in the long run.

2. Prioritise Sleep

Restless nights have been linked to a higher BMI in studies (BMI). To assist regulate hormones and restore a healthy digestion rhythm, aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. There is no substitute for a good night's sleep. It is necessary for your brain and body to rest, reset, and keep your hormones in good working order.

3. Diet

Diet can have a big impact on hormone cycles. When hormones (particularly insulin) are out of whack, your body may accumulate excess belly fat or potentially develop type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, consuming high-fiber foods on a regular basis can keep your insulin on track.

Stock your cupboard with healthy, hormone-balancing foods like broccoli, chickpeas, lean meats, and sour cherries to set yourself up for success.

4. Reduce Sugar Intake

Hormone regulation is harmed by blood sugar increases. A low glycemic diet, which focuses on foods that take longer to convert to sugar in your bloodstream, can help you control your hormonal belly.

People who have a hormonal belly due to PCOS have also reported weight loss results by lowering their sugar intake. Other suggestions include increasing your protein and fibre intake.

5. Eliminate Alcohol

Alcohol use has been shown to impact hormones, even raising estrogen in premenopausal women, according to research.

If you suspect your weight increase is due to hormones, consider abstaining from alcohol for a month. It's possible that your evening glass of wine has been boosting your endocrine system.

6. Exercise

The Department of Health and Human Services advises 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, or 75 minutes of strong aerobic activity, such as running, for most healthy adults.

If you use a step counter, keep in mind that it takes 10,000 steps each day to maintain a healthy weight. At least twice a week, strength training exercises are also recommended. You may need to exercise more if you want to shed weight or reach specific fitness goals.

The lifestyle changes listed above are not only great for losing hormonal belly fat, but also perfect for maintaining a healthy weight in general. These tips can help in creating an overall healthy lifestyle that will help you not only stay fit but also fight off countless illnesses and health issues. So, invest in your health today by contacting us on +91 932159167 to get your program under the guidance of Coach Juily Wagle today!

Our programs aim to help busy people stay healthy and fit scientifically and sustainably. The Metabolix HomeFit program is a comprehensive home workout program that is tailored to your specific needs. The Metabolix EatFit program is a personalised nutrition plan created after taking into account a variety of important criteria such as your medical condition, career, age, and so on.

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